SDK keys

SDK Keys

SDK keys are used to authenticate your SDKs with the FeaturesFlow services. You can create as many SDK keys as you want and use them in your SDKs. This way you can have different configurations for different SDKs.

Environments in relation to SDK keys

When you create an SDK key you have to choose which environment it is for. This way you can have different configurations for different environments. When you use the SDK key in your SDK, the SDK will fetch the correct configuration based on the environment.

Managing SDK keys

You can manage your SDK keys in the SDK keys tab inside a project. You can create and delete SDK keys there.

Deleting SDK keys

Be careful when deleting SDK keys. If you delete an SDK key, all SDKs using that key will return control as treatments.

SDK Keys are sensitive information

Do not share your SDK keys with anyone. If you suspect that your SDK key has been compromised, you can delete it and create a new one.