

Environments allow you to modify the behaviour of your feature toggles based on the environment they are running in. This allows you to have different configurations for your feature toggles in different environments.


Let's say you want to run a risky experiment for only 1% of your users. You can create a feature toggle for this experiment and set the percentage of users that should see the experiment to 1%. This is great, but what if you want to run the experiment and test it in your staging environment? You can't do that with the current setup, unless you are really lucky.

This is where environments come in.

How it works?

Environments allow you to alter the behaviour of your feature toggles based on the environment they are running in. You can create different configurations for your feature toggles in different environments. To do that you can use the Environment dropdown on a feature toggle page.

When you use one of the SDKs you will need to provide an authentication key. Among other things, this key is used to determine which environment the SDK is running in. Based on this key the SDK will fetch the correct configuration for the feature toggles.

Managing environments

Just like feature toggles, environments are tied to a project. You can create, update and delete environments in the Environments tab inside a project.

Production and staging environments

There are two built in environments in every project: production and staging. You can't delete these environments.