

Metrics allow you to extract values from events. You can think of metrics as specific statistics based on events. An example of a metric could be:

  • Average order value
  • Percentage of users who have completed a purchase
  • Number of users who have visited a specific page

Accessing Metrics

Metrics are project scoped and can be accessed in Metrics tab within project page. You can create, edit and delete metrics from this page.

Creating a Metric

To create a metric you need to click on the New + button on the top right corner of the Metrics page. You will be prompted to enter the following details:

  • Name - Name of the metric
  • Data source - Choose an event as source from which the metric will be calculated
  • Event property - Choose a property of the event to calculate the metric. It can be either a parameter that you defined for an event or the amount of event triggered.
  • Option - Choose the type of metric you want to calculate. It depends on the type of event property you have selected.
  • Should increase - Defines whether an increase in the metric value is considered as a positive or negative outcome.

After you have created a metric it might take up to 24 hours for the metric to be calculated.

Editing and deleting a Metric

To edit or delete a metric you need to click on the Edit or Delete button on the right side of the metric you want to edit or delete.